Outbound transport for exporting goods
The international transport of goods (including the arranging of such services) is GST-free from the place of export in Australia to a destination outside Australia.
The place of export is defined in the GST law. The place of export for goods (not being postal articles) to be packed in a freight container will generally be the last place from which the goods to be exported were collected or delivered, prior to being so packed; however if the goods were packed where they were produced the place of export is where they are packed.欧洲航线和美洲航线。 国际展览品运输方面:我们凭借国外遍及全球30多个国家和地区的代理网络,以及与核心代理多年的合作经验,专业致力于展览品运输服务。 主要的业务范围如下: 国际展览品运输 国际展览货运 国际会展会议 国际会议演出用品运输 国内展览会运输业务 留购展览品报关运输业务 ata单证册的报关运输业务 ●我们重视您的每份委托,我们重视您的每次信任,我们用心呵护您的货物到达您指定的地点,为您提供贴心,专业,快捷的国际物流服务!